Awesome Nauvoo Pageant Shots {Pt-1}

“When you’re here…..we’re here.”

And so it begins……

Pageant time is here and we love it! We are amazed at the cheerful faces, in spite of the heat, humidity, rain (sometimes torrential), and bugs. They just keep smiling through hours of practice—both morning and afternoon—and evening performances.

Kuddos go to the core and family casts, young performing missionaries (more to come on this awesome summer group!!), brass band, technicians, crew, and staff who make each July evening in Nauvoo such a delight.

If you haven’t seen the Nauvoo Pageant, here’s a little of what you have been missing. If you have, here are a few images to pluck your heart strings……

tom simpson photography nauvoo pageant photos

tom simpson photography nauvoo pageant photos

tom simpson photography nauvoo pageant photos

tom simpson photography 2015 nauvoo pageant photos

tom simpson photography 2015 nauvoo pageant photos

tom simpson photography 2015 nauvoo pageant photos

tom simpson photography 2015 nauvoo pageant photos

tom simpson photography 2015 nauvoo pageant photos

tom simpson photography 2015 nauvoo pageant photos

tom simpson photography 2015 nauvoo pageant photos

tom simpson photography 2015 nauvoo pageant photos

tom simpson photography 2015 nauvoo pageant photos

tom simpson photography 2015 nauvoo pageant photos

tom simpson photography 2015 nauvoo pageant photos

tom simpson photography 2015 nauvoo pageant photos

tom simpson photography 2015 nauvoo pageant photos

tom simpson photography 2015 nauvoo pageant photos

tom simpson photography 2015 nauvoo pageant photos

tom simpson photography 2015 nauvoo pageant photos

tom simpson photography 2015 nauvoo pageant photos

tom simpson photography 2015 nauvoo pageant photos

Watch for more awesome Nauvoo Pageant photos (Part-2) coming up!


Happenings in Nauvoo…..Before You Arrive for Pageant!

As you know, big productions don’t just happen overnight…..and when you come to Nauvoo for Pageant, preparation has been underway for months. Since we live here and get to experience all that “is” Nauvoo, we thought you might like to see a little of life-in-Nauvoo-before-Pageant.

Pageant Grounds Improvements

nauvoo temple at pageant grounds by tom simpson

See the light towers and stage? Black and brown have become green. Blends in better with the surroundings…..and much nicer for photography.

See the pile of dirt that looks like a construction site? Beginning of the improved audience seating area. We watched trucks go in and out for weeks, hauling and dumping dirt, from the brick’s edge in front of the stage to several yards past the sound booth slab.

Once it was graded and smoothed, sprinkler system and sod added, this is what we saw – from April 23rd the pile-of-dirt became…..

nauvoo photographer tom simpson

…..a grass-covered-mound by May 22nd . This view from Partridge Street…..

nauvoo temple from pageant ground seating area

…..and this one from the back of the hill. What a change!

3500 seats for nauvoo british pageants

And with all the seats in place (including 1000 new chairs), here’s what audience seating looks like. It’s an awesome improvement!

Housing Improvements

young performing missionaries nauvoo house

One of the houses used for the YPM’s needed a renovation…..but part way through the process, it became a gutting-and-rebuilding project. This was taken a month into the heavy work in nauvoo for ypm's

Two of the crew responsible for the upgrade to the neighborhood…..and I have a feeling the YPM’s will love their new digs!

Our Top 5 Favorite Nauvoo Spring Activities

Nauvoo in winter is a bit quiet outdoors…..but when springtime arrives, everything changes in an instant! Here are a few of our favorite activities as Nauvoo comes alive after a cold winter season.

nauvoo photographer tom simpson prairie fire photo

No. 1 – Prairie Fire Demonstration

Every year in late March or early April, the community gathers to watch a 1-acre section covered with prairie grass burn to the ground. It’s a picnic atmosphere…complete with hot dogs and chips served by the missionaries before the fire. (See last year’s images HERE complete with time stamp showing how quickly it burns.)

springtime in nauvoo womens garden

No 2 – Abundance of Tulips and Blossoms

This shot taken in the Women’s Garden gives you a glimpse of Nauvoo in springtime. With 30,000 tulips blooming on the Temple grounds and untold amount blooming in the garden and other areas around the flats, the infusion of color is a welcome sight after a long winter.

tom simpson nauvoo photographer pioneer pastimes

No. 3 – Pioneer Pastimes Reopens

When Pioneer Pastimes reopens two of my favorite things have happened…’s warm enough to play outside and new missionaries have arrived. This is a busy place during May as school groups visit by the bus load.

nauvoo photographer tom simpson wagon ride tours in nauvoo

No. 4 – Wagon Ride Through Historic Nauvoo

Although you can ride the wagon year round, springtime is awesome! It is the best way to see all the flowers and trees in full bloom as well as catch a glimpse of the baby geese waddling after their parents.

youth of zion YPM's in nauvoo tom simpson photography

No. 5 – YPM’s Vignettes and Shows Begin

They arrive in early May each year…..some returning from previous years, most of them new, but all returning with huge smiles and happy hearts ready to delight Nauvoo visitors. They are the Young Performing Missionaries and all are talented in song, dance, and drama (plus a few play instruments during the shows). Youth of Zion is just one of several places you can see this group perform.

spring music by nauvoo brass band photo by nauvoo photographer tom simpson

No. 6 – Music Fills the Air

Called to serve as missionaries for four months, the Nauvoo Brass Band arrives in early May and begins practicing for various performances given throughout the summer season. Music fills the air as this talented group of musicians plays toe tapping, hand clapping songs in different outdoor locations in the flats. Delightful!

nauvoo photographer tom simpson willard richards inn

Want to know where to find me? Outside bringing the garden to life, listening to music and watching the wagons go by…..Tom says I enjoy the garden too much. He’s right.

Nothing better than sounds of sing-along music, clip clopping horses hooves, and YPM’s singing combined with sunshine, warm weather, and beautiful flowers to brighten any day. Yep. I love spring in Nauvoo.


The Cokeville Miracle {Nauvoo Movie Premier}

the cokeville miracle movie posterToday is the day.

The Cokeville Miracle opens in theaters…..hopefully in one near you. If not, call your local theaters and request a showing. Why? It is a story that will tug at your heartstrings and leave an indelible impression.

Based on a true story of one horrible day in the lives of 136 children and 18 adults in Cokeville, Wyoming of a tragedy that “almost happened but didn’t.”

A couple of months ago, T.C. Christensen honored us with a “pre-preview” of the movie in Nauvoo, including a Q&A session afterward with T.C., Kymberly Mellen (Doris Young), and Max Excel (former Nauvoo missionary) who was the actual school principal in Cokeville during the disaster.

Hearing first-hand account from the Excels (who sat behind us during the showing) of what happened that day has left us with a deepened awareness of how much we are watched over by family members who have passed on, that prayers are answered, and good does overcome evil.

Instead of giving a synopsis, here’s a link to the trailer:

…..and a few photos from the Q&A session. Enjoy the show!

tc christensen nauvoo showing cokeville miracle

T. C. Christensen

max excel cokeville elementary school principal

Max Excel, former Cokeville Elementary school principal

kymberly mellen cokeville miracle actress

Actress Kymberly Mellen who portrayed “Doris Young” in the movie.

cokeville miracle movie nauvoo showing  tc christensen

Kymberly, Max, and TC

Stunningly Beautiful Tulips on the Nauvoo Temple Grounds

nauvoo lds photographer tom simpson

What is the reward of enduring the cold, frosty days of a Nauvoo winter? Spring…..with it’s unending variety of blossoms found on the trees, ground covers, and first flowers of the season—and none are more beautiful than the tulips on the Nauvoo Temple grounds.

Having helped plant each of the 30K tulips during fall, I am a little more excited than usual when little green shoots begin to emerge…..but this year’s tulips seem to be more stunning than ever! They have caused many double takes, lingering walks, and audible gasps at each turn as we drive by or visit the temple.

Of course, I sent Tom out the door with camera in hand and instructions to snap a few photos to share. He caught the blossoms at their peak with all varieties in bloom in each bed.

Spring tulips. The best medicine for wintertime blues. What a wonderful way to start a new season!

nauvoo temple flowers photography by tom simpson

beautiful nauvoo temple flowers tom simpson photography

seasons of nauvoo temple tulips photos by tom simpson

nauvoo greeting cars temple tulips tom simpson photography

nauvoo lds temple art tom simpson  nauvoo wedding photographer

January in Beautiful Nauvoo {David’s Chamber}

davids chamber waterfall iced over in nauvoo

Driving down the River Road is always a treat. In spring, it’s the bright new leaves and blossoms. In summer, it’s the canopy of green shading the road. In fall, it’s the nonstop panorama of color. In winter, it’s the spectacle of snow and ice formations.

While traveling River Road on the way home from a shopping trip, we passed David’s Chamber and caught a quick glimpse… that made us turn around to get a longer look then head home and return with the camera. Tom had to get this unique shot.

Usually, the waterfalls at David’s Chamber are narrow and confined to one spot, only spanning full width during spring run-off or after a heavy rainfall. Do you know what happens with cold temps and no snow? Ice…..and lots of it.

I returned with Tom as a buddy-system-safety-feature, knowing he would climb down the hill and try to cross the ice!……which he did. This photo is one of several shots taken while traversing the creek bed.

It was cold but oh, so peaceful and quiet. No visible signs of movement but you could hear the water flowing gently beneath the ice.

This is January in beautiful Nauvoo.


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