Super British Pageant Shots {The Gals}

nauvoo temple behind british pageant stageAs I mentioned in the last post about the guys, here’s the next category of super shots from the British Pageant. These photos remind me of this little line:

Sugar and spice and everything nice…..

Add to that…..amazing talent, beautiful voices, and never-ending smiles and you have the gals of the British Pageant core cast. We loved their ability to bring each family story to life.

Sugar? Sweetness abounded…..aka the Cannons and the Benbows.

Spice? There was plenty (and it was endearing)….aka Becky Laird and Margaret Turley.

Everything nice? Feeling the love…..Sarah Ashton.

Thanks gals. Just like the guys, you touched our hearts.

british pageant by nauvoo photographer tom simpson

british pageant by nauvoo photographer tom simpson

british pageant by nauvoo photographer tom simpson

british pageant by nauvoo photographer tom simpson

british pageant by nauvoo photographer tom simpson

british pageant by nauvoo photographer tom simpson

british pageant by nauvoo photographer tom simpson

british pageant by nauvoo photographer tom simpson

british pageant by nauvoo photographer tom simpson

british pageant by nauvoo photographer tom simpson

british pageant by nauvoo photographer tom simpson

british pageant by nauvoo photographer tom simpson

british pageant by nauvoo photographer tom simpson

british pageant by nauvoo photographer tom simpson

british pageant by nauvoo photographer tom simpson

british pageant by nauvoo photographer tom simpson

british pageant by nauvoo photographer tom simpsonComing Next…..Cute Kids Part-1.




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