Super British Pageant Shots {Cute Kids Part-1}

set for british pageant in nauvoo

Sitting farther back from the stage has its advantages…..sound is more rich and you can see action across the full expanse of the stage all at once. Good seats get you this view of the show.

Sitting on the front row also has its advantages, one of which is seeing the facial expressions of the cast, tears included when emotions strike. We loved sitting on the front row. We especially loved seeing the cute kids…..putting their heart and soul into each action, belting out the songs with full emotion, unrestrained joy, and conviction.

Here are a few super British Pageant shots to show you what we saw and captured on camera. Oh, and because the kids were so adorable, there are lots of pics…..too many for one post. Enjoy Cute Kids Part-1!

cute kids in british pageant in nauvoo

adorable kid in british pageant in nauvoo

cute kids in british pageant in nauvoo

cute kids in british pageant in nauvoo

cute kids in british pageant in nauvoo

cute kids tug of war in british pageant in nauvoo

This is what I mean about about heart and soul…..and all the strength you can muster. Don’t you love the expressions of the boys in the tug of war!

boys tug of war in british pageant in nauvoo

cute kids in british pageant in nauvoo

cute kids in british pageant in nauvoo

cute kids in british pageant in nauvoo

cute kids in british pageant in nauvoo

cute kids in british pageant in nauvoo

cute kids in british pageant in nauvoo

costumes in british pageant in nauvoo

Coming Next….Cute Kids Part-2.



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