We Bid Farewell to President and Sister Condie

spencer j and dorthea condieNauvoo is a city of changes……especially in the church. This week, after three years of faithful service, we bid farewell to our beloved Nauvoo Temple President, Spencer J. Condie and his wonderful wife, Temple Matron Dorthea Condie.

President Condie, an Emeritus member of the First Quorum of the Seventy, has a way of making you feel like you’re the most important person in the world. I have watched him with children, young men and women, newlyweds, temple workers, missionaries, Apostles, and other General Authorities. He was always the same…..kind, loving, always giving a happy compliment plus frequently displaying an extremely well developed sense of humor, usually aimed at himself.

His sweet wife, whom he always called ‘Angel’, always seemed to just glow. I remember one of her talks in a Stake Conference where she proclaimed, “I love the feeling of the Spirit.” It was always abundant when we were in her presence.

nauvoo temple president spencer j condie and dorthea condie

As I was leaving the temple last week, I noticed President Condie standing in front of his office.  We confirmed our photo session and as I turned to leave his office I told him that Jeanette and I had grown to love them very much and that we would surely miss them. I teared up a bit and he just put his arm around me as we walked down the hall and told me, “God bless you!”. I knew I was in the presence of greatness. (He would be unhappy I would say such a thing!)

The day I shot this farewell photo session I rode down to the Nauvoo Flats with them for a quick visit at the Lands and Records building. During our short trip, President Condie stopped numerous times to bid farewell to friends and fellow temple workers. He left them all with a kind word and well placed joke. The love and admiration they displayed for the Condies was very moving.

farewell for the condies at historic nauvoo visitors center

Missionaries bid farewell to the Condies during an open house at the Historic Nauvoo Visitors Center.

missionaries sing farewell nauvoo to the condies

Missionaries sing “Farewell Nauvoo” during the Open House Farewell for President and Sister Condie.

We know we will love our new Temple President but the Condies will forever hold a sweet and sacred place in our hearts. President and Sister Condie……..God be with you ’till we meet again.

tom simpson photography

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