Nauvoo Pageant Grounds…..Before, During, and After Season

The excitement builds for months, hits its peak, and then subsides for a time. That is life in Nauvoo with the Pageant. If you live in Nauvoo, you get to see the seasonal changes occurring on the pageant grounds.

For Nauvoo visitors whose sojourn is pageant time only, here are a few “before—during—after” shots.

new sloped seating area with grass


Our excitement began to build as seating area changes were made this spring. (See that blog post HERE.) There is a feeling in the air that is almost tangible when activity appears on the pageant grounds.


nauvoo pageant audience seating


The week before opening night, seats cover the grassy knoll, the lights are hoisted on the towers, and tents are erected. Just over the hill out of view?? That’s where the pioneer games and activities are set up and the bandstand complete with dance floor is laid.


pano of nauvoo pageant seating area view from the stage


Only a pattern of footpaths remain on the grassy knoll after the crowds go home and seats, lights, and tents are packed away. This is the bittersweet part of Pageant season….we are sad to see it end.

worn footpaths on nauvoo pageant grounds

The sweet part? It’s in the memories made with new friends, reconnecting with old friends, and reuniting with family, as we all rekindle the flame of faith and light of the gospel message.

As core cast member, Garrett Hazen, said after the last performance, “Don’t be sad. Be satisfied.” 2015 Pageant season will be remembered with satisfaction. Thanks Garrett!

Until next year…….


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