Trail of Hope Moving Vignettes present Moments in Nauvoo History

One special part of Nauvoo Pageant experience includes the vignettes performed by pageant cast members as they present moments in Nauvoo history. The vignettes along the Trail of Hope are particularly moving sketches.

Beginning at the Seventies Hall, small groups of visitors walk along the same path early saints took down Parley Street to the river’s edge, stopping to listen as stories are told about the faith and hope that carried the saints through hardships, travails, and trials during the 1840’s.

Often tears are shed as visitors and cast members alike feel the nearness of the Spirit standing on this sacred ground listening to stories told from the journals of those who were there. It is always one of our favorite experiences during Nauvoo Pageant time.

nauvoo photography by tom simpsonnauvoo photography by tom simpsonnauvoo photographer tom simpson trail of hope on parley streetnauvoo lds photographer tom simpson trail of hope parley street photos

nauvoo photographer tom simpsonnauvoo photographer tom simpsonnauvoo photographer tom simpsonnauvoo photographer tom simpsonnauvoo photographer tom simpsonnauvoo photographer tom simpsonnauvoo photographer tom simpsonnauvoo photographer tom simpsonnauvoo photography by tom simpsonnauvoo photography by tom simpsonnauvoo photography by tom simpsonnauvoo photography by tom simpsonnauvoo photography by tom simpsonnauvoo photography by tom simpsonGetting to know the 2014 Pageant cast members has been a joy. Gratitude and love are the feelings we share for all of the hard work, long days and sacrifice these cast members experience so that we might have these wonderful moments.

We are privileged to have this special group here to bring history to life each summer so we really can remember it always.



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