We’re Goin’ on a Sleigh Ride!!

Going on a real sleigh ride. You know the kind of sleigh pulled by horses through the snow? It was on my bucket list but not anymore. It is now checked off. Yep. Today was the day……we went on a sleigh ride.

A few months ago I was talking to one of the teamsters about winter and asked what they did about wagon rides when it snowed. “Oh, we just get the sleigh out and give rides.” Awesome! I decided right then that the first time we had enough snow, I was going to hitch a ride.

red sleigh for eight in old nauvoo photo by tom simpson photography

Sleigh sits ready and waiting outside the barn in old Nauvoo on a sunny day after heavy snowfall.

I knew snow was headed our way last week and mentally scheduled the sleigh ride for today. The biggest obstacle? Convincing Tom he wanted to ride in an open air sleigh in 15 degree weather….but I said the magic words (to a photographer). “We need photographs of the sleigh for our book!”

Tom checked with the Historic Nauvoo Visitor’s Center for ride times and off we went. When we arrived with camera in hand, the missionaries asked if we were going to ride. I mentioned wanting to ride but the tickets were gone (only 8 can ride at a time).

log house in nauvoo where you get on the sleigh

Sleigh rides begin here! Get tickets in the Historic Nauvoo Visitor’s Center

Sweet Sister Russell put on her coat and headed outside to the little log house, where you get on the sleigh, to see if we could get on the next trip around. (I love these missionaries…..they are such 2nd milers!!)

We headed out to the car and pulled around to get shots of the horses hitched up and ready to go……and we heard, “There’s room for two more. Are you coming?”

sleigh ride through nauvoo photo by tom simpson

Doc and Dan stop so sleigh riders can take in Nauvoo’s beautiful snowfall. Tom jumped out to snap a few photos….glad he did!!

blankets made by sister missionaries in nauvoo

The warmest, softest blankets EVER made by our wonderful sister missionaries.

nauvoo teamsters giving rides in sleigh

Part of our route….over the hills we go! Doc and Dan seemed to enjoy a workout in the snow.

Whoo-hoo!!! “Yes we are!  We covered up in the softest, warmest flannel blankets (made in Nauvoo by our sister missionaries!!) and set off across the field. I asked Elder Jones if we could sing “Over the river and through the woods…..” while we rode along. We didn’t sing that one but did sing “Jingle Bells” with our sleigh mates, some of who were from the Ukraine.

Well, I will say…..Nauvoo has lots to offer even in the wintertime. I loved the ride. Even with the powdery ice crystals flying up from the horses’ hoofs and swirling around my face. Sun was shining brightly making my bucket list item even more awesome than I expected.

nauvoo missionary teamsters with horses doc and dan

We love our teamster missionaries! Always smiling, summer sun or winter snow…..these guys are the best!

Thanks Elder Swapp, Elder Maynes, and Elder Jones for making this snow day in Nauvoo one of my most memorable.

doc and dan pulling the sleigh photo by tom simpson photography

Doc and Dan pulling the sleigh and the view the teamsters have each time they take a group out for a ride…..and they love every minute of it!

doc and dan pulling red sleigh in old nauvoo heading back to the barn

Our ride is over and the teamsters are headed back to the barn with the horses. Thanks Elders!

And thanks Tom…..for all the fabulous photos. You are amazing. As you can see we spent most of the afternoon out shooting in the snow. We over-did it a bit and Tom’s still trying to get the feeling back in his face, fingers, and toes.  But we both agree it was a wonderful day to be in Nauvoo…..even if it was 15 degrees outside.

log house where wagon rides begin in old nauvoo

Yes….we did get at least 12″ of snow in the last week. Kind of peaceful and restful don’t you think? Don’t worry. We’re getting closer to better weather every day….and the wagon rides will resume.

icicles hang from snow covered roof in old nauvoo

Tom couldn’t resist getting a photo of this missionary residence. Those are some serious icicles!

snow covered roof top on scovil bakery in historic nauvoo

Scovil Bakery…..gingerbread cookies await you inside. Yum!!

Tom took plenty of photos today…..more coming. Have two of the temple to post tomorrow that are fabulous!

Stay Warm!


**UPDATE: Posted one temple photo….and it is stunning!

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